i booked a moving date with Tulio's moving company, and then proceeded to call my landlord with again an unsuccessful voicemail, planned several lunch/dinner dates with the girls and fellow travellers that are visiting for a short while, washed four days of dishes, blogged and read blogs if you're into that sort of thing which i am, considered facebook, maybe i hate social networks but i'll probably come back sooner or later..no. ate a juicy pear, listened to some incredible tunes like pepper rabbit, and new strokes, stood on my balcony in my underwear for approximately 5 minutes unnoticed, read some interesting facts on yves st. laurent, took out the trash twice, started on a delectable dinner for two (kendra coming over at 6, and ended up arriving early just as i was brushing my teeth round 2) consisting of couscous, chicken breast, and garden salad loaded with fresh mushrooms and cranberries. i'm still learning to cook but for those who wanna teach me something, come find me!
encountered some great messages from loved ones, friends, emails from mom in the Phils, wasted about ten minutes trying to imagine my aunt's new nose job and tattoos...not really..but yeah kind of, and stoked to hear mom's in the process of getting plenty of pirated TV series for yours truly - Zing!, all in all a good day, uneventful by traditional standards, but satisfying for the most part. we ended off the night sharing observations from watching The Darjeeling Limited, which was unusually kendra's first time watching, decided every character was Jewish, then decided against it and we sort of killed it trying to decipher the bruises on natalie portman's body, so we abandoned that topic altogether within five to six seconds.
then i took a brief stroll through the neighborhood in my parka sans socks to clear my head (which works everytime) and here i am ending the night by blogging to my hearts content. and now for the great news...one of my fav authors Emily St. John Mandel wrote me an email with lovely responses regarding her first novel, Last Night in Montreal, which i adored (and expressed) immensely. it took her all of an hour and a half to write me back..i'm delighted! what a waste of an entry, nothing productive stems from this but oh well. that's all for now folks.
(man, point form and run-on sentences are easy as hell)
i am so unsystematic when writing blogs, but rather than all the painful detail on my entire day's happenings i'll try to keep it more minimal next time.
big love,
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