the secret life of beez

just a minute of your time to talk all things honey, honey

▵ combine honey, dissolved sugar, water, and soda in a saucepan with minimal heat to re-create honeycombs
▵ pour some into a hot bath to rejuvenate the skin. cleopatra would bathe in milk and honey, how delicious.
▵ hungry? a teaspoon in your tea, goat cheese, toasted bread with peanut butter, and/or any substitution for sugar
▵ honey on a wound or burn, or a quick gulp for an upset stomach can do the trick
▵ as a humectant: adding a few drops to your palm with conditioner before application will add moisture and a yummy smell to your locks
▵ it's amazing preservation capabilities makes it the only food that never goes rotten! that's right, honey forever..

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